INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL UrbinoInAcquerello 2025 Title “Out of limbo”
"Being in limbo" is a perfect metaphor for our uncertain times, synonymous with a creeping confusion, which can generate complete immersion in fiction, that is, the ability to invent worlds/situations. Today more than ever we must understand that fiction is not opposed to reality but feeds on reality just as reality is satiated with fictionality, leaving reality whenever we consider it no longer suitable for our life or our health. "Always living in limbo" indicate the lifestyle of those who are always dreamy and seem to live in an unreal or fantastic world, this is not positive; But have the ability to create situations and new and best way to live our lives, through the creation of "magical moments" that lead to dreams. "Out of limbo" is the title of the UrbinoInAcquerello Festival 2025, because the UrbinoInAcquerello Association thinks that both art and culture are compasses guiding us in this direction, in search of those moments and situations that give us physical and moral well-being. For this reason, the Festival, which gives the opportunity to immerse oneself in the Urbino landscape, wants to create for all a positive "magical moment".
"Out of limbo" is the title of the UrbinoInAcquerello 2025 Festival, it is aimed both at the
new generations, who can participate through schools with the call "the workshop of Young Illustrators", and at national and
international artists.
The Festival will take place in the City of Urbino through the exhibition of the works of national/international artists and school students.
A high-quality catalogue will be created for all the artists, in which some pages will be reserved to insert some works by the
students and their of the participating Italian/foreign schools and the name of the same.
The catalogue will also be published and distributed to national-international libraries.
The Festival will take place at the beginning of May 2025 and will last 3 or 5 days, while the exhibition will last about 15 days
1. You can participate in the event with a single 30x30 cm square format work without
passepartout and without support
2. The UrbinoInAcquerello Association has the right to freely set up the exhibition
3. You must use the watercolor technique or mixed technique (including engraving) with at least 70% watercolor. Each work must have a title
4. The artist must send the photos (2 photos: photo of the work and personal photo for the catalogue)
and the form attached to these regulations, duly completed, by
- The photo of the work resolution 300 Dpi – from 2 to 5 MB
Indicate: Name and Surname_Country_Tittle of the work (e.g.: Maria Rossi_Italia_Tittle)
- The artist's personal photo for the 300 Dpi catalogue – max 2 MB indicating name and Surname_Country.
(e.g.: Maria Rossi_Italia)
- Send the TWO PHOTOS via Wetransfer or Drobox to
- Photos will be
used for the 2025 catalog
5. The festival will take place at the beginning of May 2025. The inauguration of the same will
coincide with that of the Children's Exhibition (Bottega dei giovani Illustratori).
6. The UrbinoInAcquerello Association reserves the right to select the applications and the number of works presented.
7. Each artist must pay a donation of € 85 by 15-01-2025, by sending a copy of the bank
transfer to
8. The payment of the donation must be made by bank transfer made out to UrbinoInAcquerello
IBAN: IT53 J053 8768 7010 0004 2106 341 BIC : BPMOIT22XXX
Reason: Name and Surname / ITALY/FESTIVAL2025
9. The payment of the donation can also be made with Paypal, but in this case the payment of € 90 must be made: reason: Name and Surname/Country/Festival 2025 .
10. The bank commission will be borne by the artist, the fee must be received net of expenses.
11. The donation will be used to organize the program and event of the UrbinoInAcquerello Festival 2025, including the international exhibition, the catalog and the online certificate of participation, upon request.
12. The UrbinoInAcquerello Association reserves the right to use the images of the works to create and optimize posters or catalog covers or for any form of advertising for other events organized by the Association. Pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 and subsequent amendments, the personal data provided by the participants will be collected and processed by the Cultural Association "UrbinoInAcquerello" for the sole purpose of organizational management. The person responsible for the processing and use of data is identified as the President of the Association.
13. The participating artist present in Urbino will be able to collect the catalog during
the 2025 Festival by showing an identification document. The shipment of the work will be arranged at the expense of the artist (see point 15).
14. For those who cannot be present at the Festival, for the collection of the work and the shipment of the catalog (see point 15) must
15. With regard to points 13 and 14, the shipping costs are borne by the recipient who
must choose:
a. Provide for it yourself by delegating a courier for collection on the days established with the Association by
b. Provide for the payment to the current account of the UrbinoInAcquerello Association before shipping
(see point 7) of € 30 only for the work while for the work and the catalog € 40, relieving the Association itself of any inconvenience that may occur during
the shipment.
c. Decide to withdraw the work and catalog in the following year, during the 2026 Festival. In this case, the UrbinoInAcquerello Association, while taking the
utmost care and custody of the works available, declines any responsibility for any theft, fire or damage of any kind to the 2025 works, which may occur during
the storage or custody phase.
16. The payment of the donation and the signing of the form attached to these
Regulations of the UrbinoInAcquerello Festival 2025 "Out of limbo" are fundamental requirements for the acceptance of the work.
17. The original work must be submitted in the format described in point 1 and must be delivered and/or sent
by 01.02.2025 to the address: Associazione UrbinoInAcquerello via del Fiancale n. 20 – 61029 Urbino (Pu) Italy. In this
case, the UrbinoInAcquerello Association, while taking the utmost care and custody of the works received, declines any responsibility for
theft, fire or damage of any kind, to the works or people, which may occur during the phases
of the Festival and the exhibition.
18. For any information please contact the following email address: , NOT TO BE USED TO SEND PHOTOS OF WORK - PERSONAL PHOTO AND ATTACHED APPLICATION FORM
Dates and deadlines
1. 20/12/2024 send photos of the work, passport photo, and the attached application form
2. 15/01/2025 payment of €85 by bank transfer to UrbinoInAcquerello
3. 01/02/2025 last date to forward the work to the UrbinoInAcquerello Association - applying on the back of the watercolor the completed APPLICATION FORM
Application form for the UrbinoInAcquerello Festival 2025
Title"Out of limbo"
To be sent by 20.12.2024
To Mr. President of the Association
Via del Fiancale n. 20-61029 Urbino
Subject: Participation in the UrbinoInAcquerello Festival 2025
I, the undersigned (name).................................................... (surname)............................................................... passport number or other valid identification document......................................................... born................................... state(........................................) on........................ email.....................................
1. to deliver the work (title:...........................,year:................) to the UrbinoInAcquerello Association in- Via del Fiancale n. 20 – 61029 Urbino (Italy) to participate in the UrbinoInAcquerello Festival 2025 by authorizing the exhibition of the same in the appropriate exhibition;
2. to have read the UrbinoInAcquerello 2025 Festival Regulations entitled "Out of limbo" and to accept it in its entirety;
3. to relieve the UrbinoInAcquerello Association of any responsibility inherent in the work sent and exhibited in the appropriate exhibition
4. to carry out the shipment in this way (tick the relevant boxes)
with my courier (indicate what you need to
pick up:………………………………..)
with the courier of the
Association accepting the costs of point 15 of the 2025 Regulations
I collect the work during the
festival 2026
I collect the work and the
catalog during the 2026
Artist's signature..................................